Why I Love My Fill-In Hosts, and You Should, Too
This is a reprise a post from June 26 thanking those who have made it possible for Good Morning Pittsfield to continue through sometimes long hiatuses. Now, that I’m a father taking a few weeks off to get to know my son – and most important – help out with those changings and feedings at midnight, 2 a.m., 4 a.m., 6 a.m. (or whenever our little bundle of joy decides) – my friends Shawn Serre, Ashley Sulock and James Campagna are picking up the slack to keep GMP going.
Look, you can’t possibly have a daily, live broadcast program without a little help from your friends. After all, radio, in particular, is all about consistency. So, taking a day off and allowing music or dead air to take your place is an absolute no-no. Your listeners will wonder where you are for a minute, or less, change the station and keep it there. If they give you a chance the next day, and again you’re not filling the airwaves, then you’ve assuredly lost a chunk of the credibility and loyalty you’ve worked (sometimes years) to earn.

Inevitably, just like normal people, radio show hosts need a day off, or even a vacation from time to time. This past weekend my wife and I enjoyed our time at Hampton Beach, and on short notice, decided to extend it through Monday. Uh-oh, who’s going to host the show?! Luckily, one of my three stalwart fill-in hosts was able to answer the call and pinch hit. In the past, the impeccable Shawn Serre, Syracuse Newhouse grad and Pittsfield Community Television Education TV Coordinator, has taken my place. Other times, the charming Ashley Sulock, Berkshire Chamber marketing director, has earned her stripes behind the microphone and in front of the camera.
Today, it was fan favorite Jim Campagna who took the helm. His unconventional and sometimes quirky approach is a simply breath of fresh air for Good Morning Pittsfield on WTBR-89.7 FM. Each substitute brings their own perspective and own personality to the airwaves – and after all – isn’t that what a good community dialogue is all about?
So, do yourself a favor and check out Jim with his patented intro: “Good Morning, and in case you haven’t noticed I’m not John Krol” (and isn’t that relief from time to time!).
President of OneEighty Media, Inc., John Krol serves as Director of Accounts and lead communications consultant for this full-service marketing, communications and advertising firm. John’s extensive experience in journalism, broadcasting, public relations, government relations, SEM, community outreach and marketing provides a unique perspective for businesses looking to re-energize and diversify their marketing efforts.