Partnering to Improve Outcomes and Reduce Re-Hospitalizations – Kindred GB and Porchlight

In today’s reality of accountable care organizations (ACOs) under healthcare reform, it’s critical to produce excellent patient outcomes. The system is now setup to reward great outcomes and financially punish poor outcomes that lead to re-hospitalizations. For post-acute providers, it’s not only important to develop a strong working relationship with the hospital that is now the center of the ACO reimbursement system, it is also in the best interest of the community and patients to team-up with other post-acute providers that offer different services.
In addition to excellent outcomes, a better patient experience, and excellent medical care, these kinds of partnerships make the entire continuum of care smarter. This also leads to a better patient experience and reduces re-hospitalizations.
In southern Berkshire County, this concept has brought together Porchlight VNA/Home Care and Kindred Great Barrington Nursing and Rehabilitation. The two organizations had already been working together on a variety of community-oriented endeavors such as the Porchlight Home Care CNA course with classes located at Kindred Great Barrington.
This takes it several steps further to better align services, more strategically allocate resources and ultimately produce better outcomes, and a greater quality of life for individuals and families that receive the services of Porchlight and Kindred Great Barrington.
Learn more about how this partnership is improving the patient experience and reducing re-hospitalizations by checking out the Porchlight television program with Porchlight VNA/Home Care CEO Holly Chaffee and Kindred Great Barrington Administrator Bill Kittler.
President of OneEighty Media, Inc., John Krol serves as Director of Accounts and lead communications consultant for this full-service marketing, communications and advertising firm. John’s extensive experience in journalism, broadcasting, public relations, government relations, SEM, community outreach and marketing provides a unique perspective for businesses looking to re-energize and diversify their marketing efforts.