For Mothers and Newborns – Porchlight Makes It a Smooth Transition Home
Porchlight’s Maternal & Child Health program is the right choice for:
- Prenatal assessments, teaching & monitoring
- Mother/baby assessments
- Teaching breastfeeding/support
Read about Jennifer Krause and her newborn son, Jack, and her experience with Porchlight…
Mother and Baby “At Ease” at Home with the Support of Porchlight’s Maternal/Child Program

It is not the way a new mother imagines welcoming a first child into the world. But, with exceptional, professional medical care in the hospital and with Porchlight VNA services at home –Jennifer Krause, 38, and her husband, Ryan Brown, have a little healthy bundle of joy, Jack Henry Brown, to brighten up their days in their Lee home.
During her pregnancy, Jennifer was closely monitored by the team at Berkshire Medical Center for gestational hypertension. She was placed on medication and underwent non-stress tests twice per week. During an exam on June 17, thirty-six weeks into her pregnancy, Jennifer’s blood pressure measured an alarming 179/122. Obstetrician/Gynecologist Andrew Beckwith, MD immediately made the decision to send Jennifer to the Mother-Baby Unit. Medications were administered over the next several hours to lower Jennifer’s blood pressure. When Baby Jack’s fetal heart rate slowed considerably, Dr. Beckwith and his team moved quickly to perform an emergency cesarean section. Once Jack arrived (4 lbs., 15 oz.) and was not breathing, CPR was conducted to save his young life. He was placed on a respirator for a 24-hour period. Surviving the ordeal, mom and baby spent a week at BMC before getting cleared to go home. For Jennifer, Jack, and Ryan, it would be especially important to have the right expertise at home to ensure a seamless transition. Porchlight VNA’s Maternal Child Health Program was the perfect choice.
President of OneEighty Media, Inc., John Krol serves as Director of Accounts and lead communications consultant for this full-service marketing, communications and advertising firm. John’s extensive experience in journalism, broadcasting, public relations, government relations, SEM, community outreach and marketing provides a unique perspective for businesses looking to re-energize and diversify their marketing efforts.