Vicki’s Intuitive Business Consulting – Part 2

You never really know how your business is going to grow. In fact, if you try to clearly define the direction of your company (without an open mind to new opportunities outside the carved path) you’re taking a graver risk, indeed.
We’re taught to plan.
We’ve been trained to roll things out, step-by-step, and yet it’s those individuals who can toss the roadmap at the drop of a dime who often succeed beyond wildest expectations. To launch at an opportunity that could not have possibly been envisioned when you first set out on the journey – it’s the magic of being in control of your own business. Isn’t that a big reason why some of us are crazy enough to lay it all on the line and start our own business, to control our own destiny?
Somewhere intuition helped you along the way. There is very little positive institutional and cultural reinforcement for an individual to strike out on their own and spark a startup. Not many career counselors or even supportive family members were likely overly enthusiastic about the prospect of your entrepreneurship – trading a steady paycheck for starting from scratch and complete uncertainty. But, inside, there was a hunch, an intuition, that you could make it work in spite of all the opinions and/or evidence to the contrary.
If you’ve made it that far, there’s a good chance then that you already know the value of that (for most of us) unpolished hunch. I say “unpolished” because we’ve been trained not to trust this engrained ability that we humans have. We find reasons to disprove or support the intuition, depending on our outlook. At one time, before mountains of spreadsheets, polls, surveys, Google keyword rankings, and Facebook likes, human beings relied much more on our collective gut feelings. Some do it better than others. Some truly have a remarkable gift. Vicki Baird is one of those people.
It’s like building the energetic bridge from the here and now – to your potential.
How can your business grow? You really don’t know for sure (that’s the point), but you can pick up clues and be prepared. Sort of like the old adage about a certain connection helping you get a foot in the door, but in the end, you’ve got to close the deal. Knowledge is power. It allows you to examine the greater possibilities, but just as important, it allows you to allocate your time and energy more wisely.
So, how does Vicki give you an edge on this hybrid of energy and measurable concrete results on paper?
Business clients have noted Vicki’s ability to unlock possible business growth opportunities, often with details about the geographic location, the nature of business and even naming specific names. Infuse information provided by the client that may help connect the dots and you can clearly see how this type of consultation is worth its weight in gold. We hear that so much of life is how we respond to circumstances that we do not control. How about if you had a better sense of some of those circumstances to enable you to respond quicker and more effectively?
Again, the conclusion has been drawn by many large corporations, who retain professional intuitive support, understanding that the ability to react and respond is worth millions and billions. It’s certainly something to consider as entrepreneurs look to do the same to make their business grow.
Click here to see my interview with Vicki Baird on Good Morning Pittsfield on February 6th.
Click here to check out Vicki’s website.
President of OneEighty Media, Inc., John Krol serves as Director of Accounts and lead communications consultant for this full-service marketing, communications and advertising firm. John’s extensive experience in journalism, broadcasting, public relations, government relations, SEM, community outreach and marketing provides a unique perspective for businesses looking to re-energize and diversify their marketing efforts.